Pirate Girl Bandana

Silk Bandana | WinterCampers.com – Celebrating the winter camping experience.

I read this tip in an article by Cliff Jacobson.  He routinely brings a large silk scarf on his northern canoe expeditions.  I found a large silk bandana to be a versatile item winter camping.  I have used it primarily as a neck warmer when I am sleeping,but it can be fashioned into a hat,a hood,an emergency sling,an ear warmer or any number of items.

A silk bandana is not as absorbent as a cotton bandana,but it is a lot stronger,dries faster,rinses out easier and it does not absorb stains the same way. It scrunches up into a smaller package and silk is 1/3rd the weight. It is far superior to cotton for retaining warmth and keeping you dry. It feels smoother against the skin,and is generally more breathable.

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