More on Sleeping Warm

Eastern Slopes has an informative article on sleeping warm when caught by unexpected cold weather.  Author David Shedd elaborates on seven key points:

  • Carry a lightweight liner.   They pack small and light, and can dramatically improve your bag’s rating.  (Also read this)
  • Wash your body with a wet pack towel or baby wipes resulting in a huge difference in warmth, as well as getting rid of that clammy icky feeling.
  • Wear something clean and light to sleep in. (Also read this.)
  • Use disposable hand warmers or bring a warm water bottle to bed to generate additional heat.
  • Use a fleece neck gaiter. Most of us automatically assume we’ll wear a hat on a cold night; but, with a good hood on your sleeping bag, the hat may not be all that necessary.
  • Use your down jacket as additional insulation inside your bag.  The jacket can contract and expand to fill empty space in your sleeping bag.
  • Eat and drink.  Your body’s thermal processes work best when you’re fully hydrated.  Before you go to bed drink a bit and eat something; it  bolsters your metabolism..
  • Breathe outside your sleeping bag.   If you’re so cold that your face is freezing, try covering your face with a bandanna or loose knit scarf and breathing through that.

You can read a longer discourse on  sleeping warm here and you can read David’s entire article here.

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March 9th, 2011 | Tags: sleeping, sleeping warm | Category: Cold Weather Camping, Winter Camping, Winter Camping Skills

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